What Is the Hardest about Teaching Online and Using Technology in Teaching?

Hi people! Let's talk about What Is the Hardest about Teaching Online and Using Technology in Teaching today? Student 1: Thank you so much! And when you have a time, please have a look at this new app, please, I think its a blast! Me: Ok, I will. Thank you, for being such a lovely and diligent student. That's all for today. Hope to see you next week the same time. Have a great day! Bye (waves). Click.. click.. I shut the windows down and close the lid of my computer with a sense of pride and self-importance: I am actually doing something valuable, I am helping people to be better, achieve their goals, be closer to their dreams. Isn't it happiness? I wish all the student were like this Korean girl from Pusan, whom I secretly call "megalobrain" as her English-name is Megan and whom to teach is a great pleasure and self-improvement, as whatever homework is assigned she is always 100% ready for the lesson. I sometimes think I should be paying her for teaching me abou...